Thursday, August 28, 2008

And the top 5 grunge songs are...

2. Pearl Jam - Jeremy

Pearl Jam has never been one of my favorite bands. But I give them a lot of credit: they sincerely tried to make a work of art with this song, and they succeeded.

When it comes to musical composition, most bands are satisfied if they just write a nice melody for the verse and then another nice melody for the chorus. Not many bands are willing to devote this kind of care and attention to individually shaping the melody of each line to fit the lyrics and create a whole musical/dramatic arc.

Here's the disturbing video for this disturbing song:

And here's an impassioned live performance:

(Click here for song #1.)

(Click here for the whole list.)


RENO said...

GReat song- never was the kid but know what he means ! I f you really think about it TEN is probaly the greatest (Grunge Rock) album ever made maybe even out of all music!! its musically and lyrically emotional and flowing