Friday, September 5, 2008

Still more music I've been listening to: Psapp, the Chromatics, Beirut, Sharon Jones

Now that we're done with the grunge all-time top 40, here are some more snapshots of bands I've been listening to lately. (If you want to catch up with earlier editions of this feature, try this link.)

As usual, each "youtube" link goes to one of their songs (in extra-large format -- click on the screen if you want the regular format), and each "myspace" or "website" link goes to their official profile with free streaming songs.

Psapp -- "toytronica" by spousal duo

[youtube - Hi]


The Chromatics -- like Blondie on tranquilizers
[youtube - In the city]


Beirut -- like Rufus Wainwright leading a boisterous singalong at some party in the 19th century
[youtube - Elephant gun]


Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings (photo) -- like the last 3 or 4 decades never happened
[youtube - 100 days, 100 nights]



Ann Althouse said...

Every time I stop back here and see that picture, I'm surprised she hasn't fallen over backwards yet.