Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Hillary Clinton's inadequate answer on her emails

This answer by Hillary Clinton in her press conference about her emails is flawed. She's asked how the public can be assured that she withheld only personal emails, not work-related emails that might be "unflattering."

Her answer is that "you would have to ask that question to every single federal employee," since they all have the responsibility to decide whether to use their personal or work email addresses, depending on whether they're talking about something work-related or not.

See the problem? Think about it . . .

When she decided which emails to turn over, a long time had passed since she had sent them. She's had the time to reconsider things she said before. She's gotten to see which subjects have become controversial over time. She's had time to reflect on strategy for an upcoming presidential campaign. After all that time, then she decides which emails to call "work-related" — knowing that as long as she assigns that label to a given message, the public will likely see it.

And which kinds of messages have the most potential to be "unflattering" to a political candidate? Messages she sent on the spur of the moment, without much reflection or political calculation. Or messages about something we now know is a hotly debated issue, but that she didn't realize at the time would end up being a big issue.

None of that is true of a federal employee deciding whether to use their work email address or personal email address to send a message.


CatherineM said...

What I don't hear reporters asking the people spinning for her (while she tries to spin herself as no different from other federal employees) is how is she different from the average corporate employee?

At the companies I have worked for, you are not allowed to conduct business on personal email or use a personal computer to perform tasks (like work on a spreadsheet). All pc's have had the ability to download or upload materials disabled. You want to work from home? You remote in to your office PC, preferably from an office laptop. Then they have people who all they do is mionitor language and what materials you are attaching to emails. They catch the smallest things like forwarding a copy of your weeks calendar to your spouse or an off color joke sent to you by a friend. Then everything is stored - all faxes scanned, everything. To protect their products and protect themselves from embarrassment ( think Sony and its emails on movies Obama might enjoy).

Do reporters not know that this is the way the rest of us little people work and somehow the work of the sec'y of state is not working from such secure IT? Why is she exempt?